Is it fear of the unknown? Afraid to make a mistake? Or maybe, just maybe, what if we make the change and don’t like it? All that energy wasted. But I never think that it is wasted time. Knowing what we don’t want is just as important as knowing what we do. To find the flowers we have to sort through the weeds.
Spring reminds us that new growth is possible. It is everywhere we look—the blossoms on the trees, the green grass, the chirping birds. The deadness of winter transforms into a beautiful display of magnificent colors. It is a new beginning and a wonderful time to take a look at our lives and change it up.
Sometimes we have to have faith and make a leap. We may not know where we will end up, but trust is needed that we will, eventually, land on our feet. One of the reasons we are here is to learn, grow, evolve. And yes we will stumble, fall down, and occasionally crash. But in those crashes, great learning can give us more knowledge than if we would have succeeded.
Change also means to let go. Release what is not working. Drop self-judgment, shame, blame. Let go of the old stories that no longer serve. Abandon negative self-talk and open up to more beneficial internal and external dialogue.
Try something new. Start a new project. Plan a trip to a new locale. Eat at a new restaurant. Change is inspiring and can be good.
Grow, cultivate, flourish, thrive.