Self Love: Live Your Truth and Create Your Own Path

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self love

Affirmation: Self love is living my truth.

Now and then, we are asked to fit the mold of what someone else believes is best. After high school, my parents said I should get a government job with benefits, because to them, this was a safe bet. But I knew college was right for me, so that’s what I did. Self love is knowing your own calling.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde, Irish author, poet, playwright

Following someone else’s plan can lead to an unfulfilling career and life. When I’m excited about my job, work is no longer a struggle. That’s what I found in writing—my passion. To tell my story is my purpose and one of the reasons I am here.

There have been times throughout my life when I was a people pleaser, rather than being true to myself. These moments never made me happy because I was not portraying the real me. By saying yes to actions that do not feel right, we give our power away and let others plan our life. If our heart isn’t in it, we are of no help to anyone or ourselves.

The fear of disappointing someone is not a reason to do something that goes against our real self. — Lynn Lok-Payne

Self love is putting yourself first. As they say on the plane, “Put your mask on first before helping others.” We have so much more to give when we fill the bucket of self love.

Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. ― Lao Tzu

Examine Your Beliefs

Our inner self knows what brings us joy, but sometimes it’s hidden behind all the internal and external noise. Maybe we are too afraid to pursue something for fear of failure or we feel our work or self is not good enough. Or we compare our self to others. When these thoughts appear, ask “What’s holding me back?” Then examine if the answer is really true. Some of our beliefs are not based on fact but on self-doubt. And most importantly we should consider the question, “How will it make me feel if I don’t write?” By reflecting on our answers, we can revise negative thinking and beliefs to change these false narratives and make steps toward living the life we desire.

Self Love is Creating Your Own Path

Following one’s own path can be difficult because it may not fit into the boundaries of accepted society or personal opinions. There will be people who say success is not possible. When Awkwafina won the 2020 Golden Globe for best actress in a comedy or musical, she dedicated the award to her father and said, “I told you I’d get a job, Dad.” She listened to her heart and followed her dream.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. — Ralph Waldo Emerson, American poet, essayist, philosopher

There’s no point in trying to become what we think others expect from us because we cannot correctly guess another’s thoughts. Nor should we try to compare ourselves to others. This is a no-win battle because pretending to be someone else, breaks our confidence and self-worth. When this happens, the exceptional person we are will not shine through. We can take our power back by concentrating on our own strengths and gifts and not worry what others will think because this will lead us to make poor choices. This is true self love.

Emotional Signs

Our emotions let us know when we have fallen off course. It gives us signs such as contradictory or pessimistic feelings, or an ache in our gut. Feeling negative about a situation is a sign to pause and reevaluate.

The next time someone wants you to do something, take a moment to connect with your feelings before giving an answer. Ask yourself, “How does this make me feel? Positive or negative?” If it’s the latter, then it may be a sign that it’s not right for you at this time.

Take time to connect to your emotions and reflect on the reason behind them. Our feelings are there to guide us in the right direction. We make better decisions when we listen to our true selves.

Embracing You is True Self Love

You are an original. There is only one you, and you are here for a reason. Embrace all your quirks and imperfections because you are unique. Bring out your silly, wonderful self. Shine your light into the world and the world will shine back. Be yourself. Express, do not hide the real you. Seek your own journey, not chase someone else’s.

When you love yourself, live your truth, and pursue your passion, happiness will naturally present itself. New possibilities and great opportunities exist when you embrace self love. So, relax, have a seat, and feel your love!

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

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