Self Love is Living My Highest Truth

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Love Who You Are 1

Affirmation: Self-Love is Living My Truth

At times, we are pressured to fit into a mold shaped by others’ expectations. But true happiness doesn’t come from meeting external standards—it comes from embracing our own path. Self-love is recognizing and following your true calling.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde

Living by someone else’s plan can lead to an unfulfilling life. But when we pursue what excites us, work no longer feels like a struggle—it becomes a passion. For me, writing is that passion. Telling my story is my purpose and one of the reasons I am here.

There were moments in my life when I prioritized pleasing others over being true to myself. But those moments never brought real happiness. When we say yes to things that don’t align with our truth, we give away our power and allow others to dictate our lives. If our heart isn’t in it, we can’t truly serve ourselves or others.

The fear of disappointing someone should never force us to betray our authentic selves.

Self-Love is Putting Yourself First

Self-love means prioritizing yourself. As the saying goes on airplanes, “Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others.” We have more to give when we nurture our own well-being.

Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. — Lao Tzu

Examine Your Beliefs

Deep down, we know what brings us joy, but fear, self-doubt, and external expectations can cloud our vision. We might fear failure, believe we’re not good enough, or compare ourselves to others. When these thoughts arise, ask:

  • What’s holding me back?
  • Is this belief based on fact or self-doubt?
  • How will I feel if I don’t follow my passion?

Challenging false narratives helps us shift our mindset and take steps toward the life we desire.

Self-Love is Creating Your Own Path

Carving out your own path isn’t always easy. Society, family, or peers may doubt your choices. But success comes from listening to your heart.

When Awkwafina won the 2020 Golden Globe for Best Actress, she dedicated it to her father and said, “I told you I’d get a job, Dad.” She followed her dream despite external doubts.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

We can’t control others’ expectations, nor should we compare ourselves to them. Pretending to be someone else diminishes our confidence and self-worth. True self-love means embracing our strengths and staying focused on our own path.

Emotional Signs: Listening to Your Inner Guide

Our emotions signal when we are off course. Feelings of discomfort, doubt, or negativity indicate a need to pause and reflect.

Before agreeing to something, take a moment to connect with your emotions. Ask yourself:

  • Does this make me feel positive or negative?
  • Is this truly right for me?

Listening to our emotions helps us make choices aligned with our authentic selves.

Pondering Your Path

Self-love is being you—not what someone else thinks you should be. Take a moment to reflect on your journey. Here are some questions to consider:

  • Am I living my truth or someone else’s expectations?
  • What brings me the most joy and fulfillment?
  • What small steps can I take to align more with my true self?

Embracing You is True Self-Love

You are one of a kind. Your quirks, imperfections, and uniqueness are what make you special. Let your true self shine. Express, don’t suppress. Follow your own journey, not someone else’s.

When you love yourself, live your truth, and pursue your passion, happiness naturally follows. Embrace self-love, and the world will reflect that love back to you.

So, take a deep breath, relax, and step into the fullness of who you are!

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

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