Purpose: Why It Matters And How To Find Yours – Part Two

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to find your purpose

Purpose is a calling and what we are meant to do. Unfortunately with all the external noise that surrounds us, it sometimes is hard to discover one’s purpose. But if we can find it, life becomes more joyful because living our purpose makes us we feel more alive and fulfilled.

Many have more than one purpose, though there may be one that pulls stronger than the rest. If you can work on that, it will give your life great meaning.

What is Purpose?

It is a calling, a need, a passion to do something. Some say it is what we are born to do. Purpose drives our actions and intentions. It gives our lives direction, fulfillment, and meaning. Over time, our purpose may undergo changes. What drives us at twenty may change by the time we reach forty. Our purpose is not limited to just one.

Don’t hesitate to embrace and follow your purpose; it’s your north star towards true fulfillment. Whenever doubt starts to seep in, redirect your focus to the joy and fulfillment that it will bring into your life.

No matter when we choose to chase them, there will always be moments of uncertainty that test our confidence. Close the holes of uncertainty. Believe that it is possible, because every dream, every purpose, has the potential to become a reality.

How to Find Your Purpose In Life

Reflect on Your Passions
Start by asking yourself what excites you. What are the activities, subjects, or causes that light you up inside? Often, our purpose is closely tied to the things that make us feel passionate and engaged. If you’re unsure, look at the moments in your life when you felt most alive or proud of yourself—what were you doing?

Consider Your Strengths
Your unique talents and strengths are clues to your purpose. What are you naturally good at? How do people often seek your help or advice? These strengths can be a powerful indicator of how you’re meant to contribute to the world. This can lead to you finding your purpose.

Think About Impact From Your Using Purpose
Purpose is often rooted in service to others or the world around us. Consider how you want to make a difference. It doesn’t have to be on a large scale. Maybe it’s about being a supportive friend, creating something that brings joy to others, or contributing to a community effort. The impact you have on others can offer a deep sense of purpose.

Embrace Change
Purpose isn’t always static. As you grow and experience different phases of life, your purpose might evolve. What feels meaningful in one stage of life may shift as you encounter new challenges or opportunities. Be open to change and allow yourself to rediscover your purpose as you evolve.

Living with Purpose

Finding your purpose is just the beginning; living it daily is where the magic happens. Incorporate purpose into your routine by setting small goals that align with your larger vision. Stay connected to what matters most, and remember that purpose doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s about progress, growth, and striving toward something that brings fulfillment.

Living with purpose doesn’t mean every day will be perfect or without obstacles. But it does mean you’ll have a stronger foundation, a clearer direction, and a deeper sense of satisfaction.

Your Purpose is Yours to Create

Purpose is deeply personal, and it’s something you create through intention and reflection. It might take time to fully uncover or understand, but the journey is worth it. Once you align with your purpose, it serves as a guiding star that gives meaning to everything you do, helping you live a life that feels truly your own.

In case you missed last week’s post part 1, see “Why Your Purpose Is Important” below.


If you would like to take a purpose in life quiz, see this link from Greater Good Magazine from UC Berkeley. You’ll get your score, learn more about the benefits of purpose, and find resources for identifying and cultivating your own life goals. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/quizzes/take_quiz/purpose_in_life

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