Let Go of Limiting Beliefs and Improve Your Life

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Affirmation: I let go and release the limiting beliefs that hinder my growth.

We are not born into this life with a set of beliefs. Our family, friends, and experiences formed many of our beliefs in early childhood. We trust the truth in others’ opinions and these views get deeply imbedded in us and become our core beliefs. If the people around us thought that success or happiness was not possible, or that money was scarce, then these convictions can become ours as well. To improve our lives, we need to let go of limiting beliefs.

Beliefs help us process what is happening in the world and become the framework and rules we live by. They are the root of what we feel is truth, and we create a life roadmap using these deep-seated principles.

As we form new beliefs, sometimes we search for evidence to prove their validity. But other times we just accept them on other people’s faith instead of examining if they are real. That’s one reason fake news goes viral.

Are My Limiting Beliefs Holding Me Back?

This is an important question to ask to discover if we have limiting beliefs. Clinging to an outdated belief that was never true can hold us back from living our potential. We need to question and even challenge our beliefs to find out if they are accurate or just someone else’s opinion. Maybe that belief was true for them, but that doesn’t mean it is true for you.

“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights.” ― Brian Tracy

The idea of changing a long-held belief is scary. It may not come easy because our ego wants to be right. It’ll defend our beliefs because it’s connected to our identity. But this can hinder growth. Changing our beliefs pushes us into unfamiliar territory, especially if it’s not something that others believe in. This can make us feel uncomfortable, but when we change our limiting beliefs, we open the door to new possibilities.

The more often people are exposed to something, the more familiar it becomes, which increases the likelihood that we will trust it. This is called the Mere Exposure Effect. Advertisers use it to expand brand awareness because the more you see something, the more you have confidence in it. This works in people’s interactions, too. If we only surround ourselves with others who have certain beliefs, our opinions can mirror theirs, and this can limit our view of the world. Having exposure to different viewpoints allows us to more openly explore our limited or outdated beliefs.

Let Go or Revise Outdated Beliefs

Revising beliefs, especially core beliefs, can take time. If we consider an old belief, like “Success is not possible,” we can revise it to something more beneficial, such as, “I can succeed with the right tools,” or “I’ve been successful in the past.”

A popular belief is “I am my work.” We put some much of our identity into our job and title that we can lose who we are. Our titles are deeply woven into our identity, and it’s hard to separate the two. But you are not your work. Work is something you do, but you, the person, are much more than that. Your job is what you do, not who you are.

“Re-examine all that you have been told . . . dismiss that which insults your soul. — Walt Whitman

Our perception of the world is based on our sensory experiences. It’s how we gain and process what is happening around us. Then it gets stored to memory. Let’s say that your grandmother baked cookies and you are walking down the street and smell cookies. The scent reminds you of her and you don’t even need to see the cookies to believe they exist. It’s like our beliefs—we don’t need to see them or even question their validity to believe they are real.

Since our perception influences our beliefs, what if what we thought was true, even universal truths, are not correct? A great example of this is when people believed that the earth was the center of the universe. Sometimes these “truths” have been around for so long, they get stored into the subconscious and we are not even aware of them. And this can lead to the mind believing in something that is untrue. But we them have the opportunity to revise them and let go of ones that aren’t benefical.

Changing the View

Awareness of our limiting beliefs is the first step to change. If we are looking at the world through foggy glasses, we may not see things as they truly are. Be viewing an opinion from a different perspective, we look at the world in a fresh way. What was once a belief, like success, is not possible, we can flip the script and change into a more empowering one.

Changing our beliefs is like rainfall. It washes away the old, like limited or outdated beliefs, and opens up to blue skies and new opportunities. Changing our perspective gives us a clearer vantage point, which can lead to better decisions and solutions. We may not see obstacles or opportunities, real or untrue, in front of us if we don’t change the view and clear out the clouds we created.

“It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see.” — Henry David Thoreau

Consider if your own beliefs are right for you. If not, revise, rewrite, or delete them. Accept that some of your beliefs may no longer be true. Be open to change and new ideas. It’s only through self-examination that we can change and create a better belief system. Let go of outdated stories, crippling opinions, and limiting beliefs. Our beliefs create our reality, so choose ones that empower you, not hold you back.

“I’m not interested in your limiting beliefs; I’m interested in what makes you limitless.” ―Brendon Burchard


Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

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